As a specialist manufacturing and engineering company we are interested in discussing sales opportunities in other countries to assist us with the growth of our business. We would especially like to engage with companies or individuals who can bring their skills and local country / market experience to help us with achieving our goal. In return, we offer simple flexible financial proposals for initial opportunities. Alternatively, territory or sector agreements are available.
Companies / Business Profile
Your company is currently supplying computer related hardware into the Naval, Army or Maritime Shipping market. You supply either standard ‘off the shelf ‘ products or you are currently / or you wish to, design custom made products and offer engineering solutions. These solutions will need to be supported by hardware maintenance, software support, installation, upgrades etc which your company may want to also provide.
Primary Networks are able to offer a wide range of products, engineering capability and services and we have been partnering companies for many years. We offer a high level of technical expertise and experience to enable us to support you. We can accommodate smaller projects which need a flexible solution but we are equally able to handle large projects. UK based manufacturing and test facilities are currently used.
We have a permanent exhibition set up and a demonstration room where potential customers can attend. There are military personnel available to assist with questions and use of the products.
It is only by working closely with companies who are based in these market sectors can the true benefits be delivered.
Sales Agents / Ex. Military Personnel Profile
You are either engaged in supplying computer related hardware into the Naval, Army or Maritime Shipping market and / or you are ex Forces and you have experience of using similar computer hardware equipment and you are now looking for sales opportunities within your specialist market or country.
Primary Networks can support you in a number of ways. Where we are introduced to a new customer then we can either work with you on a direct or indirect way by interacting directly with the customer ourselves, or in partnership. We provide sales quotations and full technical support as well as demonstration facilities.